The Who’s Haunts

* CBC video

 Jim Holyoak and Matt Shane combine their complementary practices to create gloomy universes teeming with bizarre details and far-fetched ecosystems that straddle the unreal. ‘The Who’s Haunts’ is a monumental diptych that immerses the viewer in two human scale huts. Seemingly refuges for protagonists unknown to us, these dilapidated dwellings are subjected to the entropic forces of nature as well as their authors’ chimeric fantasies.


Jim Holyoak et Matt Shane funsionnent leur practiques complémentaires pour créer des univers ténébreux qui fourmillent de details insolites et composent écosystèmes fantasmagoriques aux frontières du réel. ‘The Who’s Haunts’ est un diptyque monumental qui immerge le regardeur dans deux baraques depeintes à l’échelle humaine. Vraisemblables refuges pour des protagonistes inconnus, ces habitations délabrées sont soumises tant aux forces entropiques de la nature qu’aux délires chimériques de leurs auteurs.

Michelle Drapeau, Commissaire adjointe at Manif d’art

For an interview about this work recently aired on CBC, see:

‘The Who’s Haunts’ (4.5 x 5 meters each) began during a residency at  Nordic Artists’ Centre Dale’s 20th Anniversary (Norway) in the winter of 2018, and were completed at the Est-Nord-Est residency (Québec) in the Fall.

The finished drawings were debuted in Québec City for the ‘Manif d’art 9 – La biennale de Québec,’ in the Musée national des beaux-arts du Québec. 

photo credit Est-Nord-Est, artists’ residence / Jean-Sébastien Veilleux photographer

photo credit: Paul Brunet
photo credit: Paul Brunet
photo credit: Paul Brunet
photo credit: Paul Brunet
photo credit: Paul Brunet
photo credit: Paul Brunet