pl. hi·ber·nac·u·la (-lə) Biology A protective case, cover, or structure, such as a plant bud, in which an organism remains dormant for the winter. The shelter of a hibernating animal. With Hibernacula, Jim Holyoak and Matt Shane were commissioned by the Musée d’art contemporain des Laurentides to transform a cabin in the Parc Bois de Belle-Rivière, into a refuge for … Continue reading “HIBERNACULA”

Lofoten, Lapland, Iceland

With the support of a William Blair Bruce European Fine Art Travel Fellowship, in the summer of 2014, I embarked on a three-month mission to see and draw the strangest and most spectacular landforms I could find throughout Nordic Europe. I traveled by boat, bus, bike, train and foot (plus a flight to Iceland) from: … Continue reading “Lofoten, Lapland, Iceland”

A Hole in the World

A permanent installation on the third floor the American Can Co. building, 2030 boul. Pie IX, Montréal. “Matt Shane and Jim Holyoak have been collaborating for over 15 years on large-scale, immersive drawings on paper, yet ‘A Hole in the World’ is their first permanent installation. In their shared artistic practice, Shane and Holyoak create exquisitely … Continue reading “A Hole in the World”

Six Ghosts Spell Unknown Alphabet

For the summer of 2014, ‘Six ghosts spell unknown alphabet’ was on exhibition at Tegnerforbundet (Drawing Association) in Oslo, Norway. This was a collaborative, postal-art project between six artists: Jim Holyoak and Matt Shane (Montréal), Cathrine Dahl and Ørjan Aas (Trondheim), Ola Jonsrud (Oslo) and Gowara Minsa (Berlin). The artists made unfinished drawings, and mailed … Continue reading “Six Ghosts Spell Unknown Alphabet”


Energy is immanent in Jim Holyoak’s creative universe, where the various facets of our existence are intertwined with natural phenomena. Inhabited by extinct species, fabulous creatures and animated matter, Holyoak’s pictorial world offers a glimpse of a labile and changing nature, where each component is part of a dynamic, moving whole. This evolving malleability is … Continue reading “Energy/Énergie”


Thus far, ‘Quagmire’ is the largest-scale collaboration between Matt Shane and Jim Holyoak. It was on display for the ‘Ja Natuurlijk’ (Yes, Naturally) exhibition at the GEM Museum of Contemporary Art in The Hague in 2013 and at the 2011 Triennale québécoise, at the Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal (MAC). Quagmire was originally created inside … Continue reading “Quagmire”


Holocene|ˈhäləˌsēn; ˈhōlə-| adjective Geology of, relating to, or denoting the present epoch, which is the second epoch in the Quaternary period and followed the Pleistocene. Also called Recent. • [as n. ] (the Holocene) the Holocene epoch or the system of deposits laid down during this time. The Holocene is now. It quite literally means … Continue reading “Holocene”

Sound and Music Drawings

It was a small leap from going to to concerts and drawing pictures of what the musicians look like, to drawing what they sound like. Most of the drawings here are from the Suoni Per Il Popolo festivals in Montreal. These are drawn with my eyes closed, using both hands, often holding four utensils (like … Continue reading “Sound and Music Drawings”

Gargoyles and Drifters / Gargouilles et flâneurs

Jim Holyoak and Matt Shane have been collaborating artistically for almost fifteen years, giving rise to often monumental graphic installations. Though their approaches may differ in many ways, the meeting of their imaginations creates atemporal universes that blur the boundaries between reality, fiction, perception, and fantasy. Within the framework of Aires Libres’ public art manifestation, … Continue reading “Gargoyles and Drifters / Gargouilles et flâneurs”