
walking running rowing sailing swimming flying riding digging diving sinking floating gliding wandering drifting lost

3rd Walk Home s08 Blue Whale Skull to Scale BAD20 Two Pairs of Mary Janes s50 Last Rain sand yet where were they, those muscles in the skyControlled Flight Into Terrain sGreat Grandma IMG_3933Peninsulas for Farewell Song spotential cover sRoad to Shu sSin Pin sTianmu Mountain ssnag.s


heron and frog _small_

death death-of-a-dragon
anchorless _quot_Lonely wanderer_ where is your daughter__quot_ _S_ Vanessa in Rowboat _S_ Three Cormorants This Is Not a Cigarette Butt _S_ To The Islands _S_ Ogopogo
House of Memory One
Ghost Whale in a Ghost Forest _S_ Ghost Sperm Whale _S_ Four Ghosts _S colour__001 First Day of Spring Book trudged _9_quot_x12_quot_ S_
Basking Shark Under a Sliver Moon

dreaming-houseEndless Tangle, 2015, 54x27, Chinese ink and papervarulven